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The Woman On Platform 8 Summary (Class 8) By Ruskin Bond

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NameThe Woman On Platform 8
AuthorRuskin Bond
The Woman On Platform 8 Summary


Ruskin Bond’s novella The Woman on Platform 8 is about affection & love that are unbounded by blood ties. An elementary school student named Arun tells the story in the first person. From his perspective, every event is seen. The encounter between Arun and the mystery woman at the focus of the narrative.

English Summary – “The Woman On Platform 8”

The plot mainly centres on the ways in which various people might cut across & intersect the paths of our life, and how, for a fraction of a second, their presence can determine everything. Although I am aware that there is a lot to take in from the story, I believe this to be one of Bond’s motives. Both this short story and Bond’s other writings demonstrate a love of humans.

Arun’s narrative begins at a train station, where he is waiting for a train when he is interrupted by an elderly woman who tends to him & looks after him, if only momentarily. He is fed, cared for, and given attention as if he is the centre of the universe by the elderly woman who seemingly appears out of nowhere. She is perceived by all as embodying what a “Mother Earth” figure should be like: caring for her offspring. When his train pulls up and he departs, he bids her goodbye as “mother,” not as a stranger.

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If there is a lesson to be learned from this, it might be that there are times when people show themselves to be the embodiment of kindness and love in a world where we are taught to fear everyone and be suspicious of anything that is unfamiliar to us. The only acceptable response to such circumstances is to embrace them, as Arun did, and to be open to love & compassion.

These moments ultimately cannot be predicted or planned for. They just occur. We are unexpectedly placed in a situation when our humanity is needed, and the only thing we can control is whether or not we are able to show it at that very moment.

About The Author

Ruskin Bond’s novella The Woman on Platform 8 is about affection & love that are unbounded by blood ties. An elementary school student named Arun tells the tale in the first person.

Conclusion – “The Woman On Platform 8”

She doesn’t say much but pays close attention to what he says. Satish, a classmate of Arun’s, and his mother show up on the platform. Arun is asked by Satish’s mother if the woman is his mother. Before Arun can say anything, the woman steps in to save him and introduces herself as his mother.

FAQs for “The Woman On Platform 8”

What is the plot of “The Woman on Platform 8”?

The story is about a young man who sees a beautiful woman on a train platform and is immediately smitten. He misses his own train trying to get a better look at her, and when he finally boards the next train, he finds that she is also a passenger. The story follows their interactions on the train and the young man’s attempts to get to know her.

Who are the main characters in “The Woman on Platform 8”?

The main character in the story is a young man, the woman on platform 8 is the other main character.

How does the story end?

The story ends with the young man getting off the train at his destination, and the woman remaining on the train. The young man is left thinking about the woman and how their brief encounter has affected him.

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