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Principles Of Management Important Questions With Answers


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Principles Of Management Important Questions With Answers

Q1. What’s ‘Principle’?

ANS. Principles are common recommendation that have been proven true through lots of practice in performing a duty.

Q2. What’s ‘Management Principle’?

ANS. Management Principle are the common instruction for carrying out management responsibilities.

Management Principles are traditional rules & regulations that managers have followed in conducting management projects for a long time that have been established as acceptable or true to all.

Q3. What are the ’14 Management Principles’?

ANS. The 14 management principles was defined by Henri Fayol are as below:

  1. Principle Of The Division of Work
  2. Principle Of Centralization & Decentralization
  3. Principle Of Balancing Authority & Responsibility
  4. Principle Of Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest
  5. Principle Of Unity of Command
  6. Principle Of Discipline
  7. Principle Of Unity of Direction
  8. Principle Of Scalar Chain
  9. Principle Of Order
  10. Principle Of Stabilization of Service
  11. Principle Of Remuneration
  12. Principle Of Equity
  13. Principle Of Initiative
  14. Principle Of Unity Is Strength

Q4. What’s the ‘Importance of Management Principles’?

ANS. The significance of management principles are as below:

  • Assistance In Achieving Objectives
  • Increase Efficiency
  • Increases Employee Interest
  • Establishing Discipline
  • Creating a Conducive Environment
  • Determining The Structure Of Management
  • Relieve Workload
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Q5. What’s ‘Scientific Management’?

ANS. Scientific management is the application of arrange knowledge in the context of science or experimentation, as well as forensic examination while avoiding management stereotypes.

Q6. Why is ‘Henri Fayol’ Called the Father of Modern Management?

ANS. Henry Fayol, a Turkish Frenchman, is generally regarded as the father of modern management.

He established management as manuscript with specific principles & functions, as well as distinctive characteristics that are universally readable & applicable.

For his role in presenting & establishing a separate & entire branch of knowledge, Henry Fayol was also called as ‘Father of Modern Management’.

Q7. Why is ‘F. W. Taylor’ Called the Father of Scientific Management?

ANS. FW Taylor, a mechanical engineer who was born in the United States. He was also called as ‘Father of Scientific Management’ because of his research innovation & research.

 F. W. Taylor has been called as ‘Father of Scientific Management’ for victoriously presenting the new philosophy within the application of science instead of the conventional method, i.e. in the application of judgment-analysis in administration & research knowledge & methods.

As a result, management is revealed in a new way.

Q8. What’s the Principle of ‘Division of Work’?

ANS. The principle of division of work is the principle of spliting work into different parts based on the needs of the corporation & clearly defining each’s responsibilities & jobs.

Q9. What’s the Principle of ‘Equality in Responsibility and Authority in Management’?

ANS. Authority is the right to relinquish orders. On the opposite hand, responsibility is the function to be accountable. The principle of equality in these rights & functions is called the principle of equality in responsibility & authority in management.

Q10. What’s The Principle of ‘Unity of Command’?

ANS. The principle of unity of command is the axiom that there will be only one person commanding every employee working in the corporation.

Q11. What’s ‘Dual subordination’?

ANS. When a person is straightly subordinate to more or more than one superior at the same time, it is known as dual subordination. This is opposite to the principle of unity of Command.

Q12. What’s the Principle of ‘Scalar-Chain’?

ANS. In management, the scalar-chain principle make reference to the principle of uniting every department, individual, & subdivision in the organizational rules from the top to the end of the corporation or binding everyone under the same chain.

Q13. What’s the Principle of ‘Discipline’?

ANS. The principle of discipline is the principle of placing the righteous person in the good place and the righteous object in the good place.

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Q14. What’s the Principle of ‘Equality’?

ANS. The principle of fairness in management is the principle of showing equal treatment or love to all subordinates.

Q15. What’s the Principle of ‘Initiative’?

ANS. The principle of initiative in management is to build opportunities on the part of the corporation so that the managers at all levels of the corporation can be enterprising in their respective fields of work or think about the growth of their work.

Q16. What’s the Principle of ‘Flexibility’?

ANS. The principle of flexibility in management is that the principle of creating capacity to adapt to a changing environment.

Q17. What’s ‘Managerial Efficiency’?

ANS. Skill is classified as the ability to finish required tasks on time, correctly, & at a low cost. Managerial skill is refers to the flexibility to complete management-related tasks correctly, on time, & at a low cost.

Q18. What’s ‘Technical Skill’?

ANS. Having the ability to use the tactic, technique or equipment that’s used to perform every task correctly is taken into account as a technical skill.

Q19. What’s ‘Interpersonal Skill’?

ANS. The ability to interconnect with people and to cheer & motivate people to get work done is known as human or interpersonal skills.

Q20. What’s ‘Conceptual Skill’?

ANS. The ability to forecast future conditions or situations is termed as managerial conceptual skills.

Q21. What Skills does an ‘Ideal Manager’ Need to Have?

ANS. An prefect manager needs to have the below skills:

  • Technical Skill
  • Interpersonal Skill
  • Conceptual Skill
  • Diagnostic Skill

Q22. What are the ‘Qualities’ of an Ideal Manager?

ANS. The below are few of the qualities that an perfect manager needs to have:

  • General Education & Knowledge
  • Physical & Mental Abilities
  • Work Experience
  • Sincerity & Perseverance
  • Motivation Ability
  • Communication Ability
  • Fore-Sight

Q 23. Why is Problem-Solving Skill is crucial for a Good Manager?

ANS. Problem-solving skills is referred to the flexibility to quickly predict the character of a problem.

Understanding the matter to makes it easier to identify potential solutions. Otherwise, the matter cannot be solved, and it’s complex.

If a manager doesn’t understand the issues in his job, he won’t be able to easily guess the issues of his subordinates & won’t be able to provide competent leadership, so an prefect manager must be skilled at understanding issues.

Q24. Why is Administration as opposed to the Brain in Management?

ANS. The person or people in the peaked position of management are observed to as administrators, and their efforts or endeavors are observed to as administration.

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The brain sends the remainder to the rest of the body what to do, and therefore the rest of the body does it. The administration establishes the corporation policy & objectives and enlists the support of management & the corporation to carry them out. That is why management is opposed to the brain in management.

Q25. What are the difficulty of Management in Third World Countries?

ANS. The below are the issues of management in third world countries:

  • Not Recognized as a Profession
  • Weak Training system
  • Lack of Efficient Managers
  • Brain drain
  • Limitations of management education
  • Lack of New Attitude
  • Lack of Government Patronage

Q26. Define ‘Organization’?

ANS. An identified category of people contributing their efforts towards the accomplishment of goals is known an organization. Organization is the procedure of establishing relationships among the organs of the enterprise.

Q27. What is the ‘Purpose or Motive of Organization’?

ANS. The motive or purpose of organization are below:

  • Facilitates administration.
  • Stimulates Creativity & Innovation.
  • Increases the Efficiency Management.
  • Facilitates Co-ordination & Communication.
  • Facilitates Growth & Diversification.

Q28. What’s Organizing?

ANS. Organizing is referred to the formal assembling of people & activities facilitate achievement of the firm’s aim. Organizing may be classified as the process of:

1. Identifying & Classifying the need activities i.e. job design.

2. Span of control

3. Assembling the Work to be Performed i.e., departmentation.

4. Defining & Delegating responsibility & authority i.e. delegation of authority.

Q29. What’s Job design’?

ANS. Job design is typically broad enough to assist people’s needs & desires. It may be especially suitable to design jobs for exceptional persons in order to make use of their potential. People spend a good deal of time on the duty & it’s therefore important to style jobs in order that individuals feel better about their work. Two main goals of job design are below:

To fullfil the corporation requirements like operational efficiency, higher productivity, quality of products or service etc.

To satisfy the wants of the individual employees such as interests, achievement, challenge etc.

Q30. What’s Organization Structure’?

ANS. In organization structure just by means the systematic arrangement of people working for the corporation. The corporation is worry with establishment of positions & relationship between positions. The organization structure has 2 dimensions:

1. Vertical

2. Horizontal       

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