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Morning Walk Essay in English

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A morning walk is a great way to start your day. It can be an exercise that helps you clear your head and get focused for the things that need to be done. Many people like to get up and take a morning walk after waking up. It’s a great way to clear your head and get moving. It’s also a great way to gather your thoughts and get yourself ready for the day. A morning walk can provide the needed energy to tackle your to-do list and move you forward. A morning walk can also help you maintain your health. One of the best ways to start your morning is with a morning walk. It’s a way to get your exercise in and clear your head. It’s also a way to get you started on the right foot.

Morning Walk

Morning Walk Essay

A morning walk is a very useful exercise. It is a light exercise. it replaces our body and mind. it is necessary for every age group.

The atmosphere in the morning is very pleasant. There is peace and calm everywhere. I get up early in the morning and go for a walk daily with my friends in the park the park is very near from my house. The Rising Sun looking very beautiful in the park. the morning air is fresh and free from pollution. In the park many people are doing exercise, walk and yoga. The birds are charping in the park. Kids are playing many games and doing different  activities like skipping rope, running, badminton, playing with ball and many other games. We are doing exercise and walk in the park. after and then we come back to our home.

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As I walked on the quiet roads, the cool Breeze and the chirping of birds refreshes my mind. the beautiful green trees are a soothing time or sight to the eyes. I also enjoy the beauty of rising Sun. As  the first rays of the sun touch the earth, the sky is covered with golden yellow colour.

From early childhood we have heard that” early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. This is not just asking because morning walks make a man healthy and wise in reality.

We all should take a morning walk everyday, so we keep our body fit and healthy. Morning walk gives us energy, motivate us To avoid laziness, create a positive mindset, it is good for organs specially heart.

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