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Lines Written In Early Spring Summary (ICSE Class 11) By William Wordsworth

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NameLines Written In Early Spring
AuthorWilliam Wordsworth
Lines Written In Early Spring Summary By William Wordsworth


Lines Written in Early Spring is a poem by William Wordsworth that was written in 1798.The poem is a celebration of the beauty and renewal of nature during the spring season. It begins with the speaker expressing their joy and awe at the sight of the new spring flowers and the return of the birds to their nests. The speaker reflects on the power of nature to bring new life and renewal after the cold and barren winter months. The poem also touches on the theme of human nature and the way that people often take nature for granted and fail to appreciate its beauty and wonder. The poem concludes with the speaker urging readers to take a moment to stop and appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, and to reconnect with the natural world in order to find peace and fulfilment.

English Summary – “Lines Written In Early Spring”

The poem begins with the speaker expressing their joy and awe at the sight of the new spring flowers and the return of the birds to their nests. The speaker reflects on the power of nature to bring new life and renewal after the cold and barren winter months.

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The speaker then goes on to describe the beauty of the natural world in great detail, highlighting the colours and fragrances of the flowers, the songs of the birds, and the gentle breeze that carries the scents of spring through the air. The speaker also notes the way that nature seems to be in harmony and balance, with each living thing playing its role in the ecosystem.

The speaker then turns to the theme of human nature and the way that people often take nature for granted and fail to appreciate its beauty and wonder. The speaker reflects on how people are often too caught up in their own lives and concerns to take notice of the natural world around them, and how this can lead to a sense of alienation and isolation from the world.

The poem concludes with the speaker urging readers to take a moment to stop and appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, and to reconnect with the natural world in order to find peace and fulfilment. The speaker encourages readers to take a walk in the countryside, to listen to the birds and smell the flowers, and to find joy and renewal in the simple pleasures of nature.

Overall, Lines Written in Early Spring is a celebration of the beauty and renewal of nature, and a call to appreciate and reconnect with the natural world. Through vivid imagery and evocative language, Wordsworth paints a picture of the natural world that is both beautiful and inspiring, and reminds readers of the importance of taking time to appreciate & attach with the natural world.

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About The Author

William Wordsworth was an English poet who, along with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the publication of “Lyrical Ballads” in 1798. He was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, England and died on April 23, 1850 in Rydal Mount, England. He is known for his love of nature and his use of everyday language in his poetry.


The conclusion of William Wordsworth’s poem “Lines Written in Early Spring” is a call to appreciate and reconnect with the natural world. The speaker encourages readers to take a walk in the countryside, to listen to the birds and smell the flowers, and to find joy and renewal in the simple pleasures of nature. The speaker reminds readers of the importance of taking time to appreciate and connect with the natural world, and encourages them to find peace and fulfilment in the beauty and wonder of nature. Overall, the poem concludes with a message of hope and renewal, reminding readers that despite the harshness of winter, spring always comes and with it, new beginnings and beauty.

FAQs for “Lines Written In Early Spring”

What is the theme of “Lines Written in Early Spring”?

The theme of “Lines Written In Early Spring” is the natural world and the human response to it. The poem explores the beauty and renewal of spring, and the speaker’s feelings of joy and gratitude for the changing seasons.

What is the tone of “Lines Written in Early Spring”?

In what form is “Lines Written In Early Spring” written?

The poem “Lines Written In Early Spring” is written in the form of a sonnet.

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