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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

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Mahatma Gandhi is one of the world’s most important figures. Gandhi was a leader of the Indian independence movement, a charismatic figure in world politics, and a champion of non-violent resistance. He helped to shape the world’s thoughts about liberty and freedom, leading to decades of civil rights for Indian and millions of other people worldwide. In this Essay on Mahatma Gandhi , the author shares commonly misunderstood Mahatma Gandhi facts.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Rabindranath Tagore was the 1st person who used the word  ‘Mahatma’ for Gandhiji. Sense of word ‘Mahatma’ in a Sanskrit ‘Great soul’. His great thoughts and beliefs made people honor him for calling him “Mahatma Gandhi”. And just like the title confer upon him, his libation for the country and his grapple to make his beliefs a reality is a matter of great pride for Indians all over the world. He was upraise in a Hindu family and ate simple vegan food. His father name was Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi and was the minister of Porbandar State. 

In South Africa, Gandhiji was the first to start a pacifist protest movement, it made him different from other rebels. Mahatma Gandhi also make the concept of Satyagraha which is a peaceful way of protesting injustice. He spent 20 years of his life in South Africa brawling for discrimination. 

His beliefs of ‘Ahimsa’ meaning not to hurt anyone was highly valued and was also followed by many great personalities around the globe. He became the person who could not be beat under any circumstances. Mahatma begin the ‘Khadi Movement’ to push the use of threads like khadi or jute. Khadi Movement was part of the greatest action, the ‘Non-co-operation Movement’ which uplifting the use of Indian goods and cease the use of foreign goods.

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Mahatma Gandhi was a strong advocate of agriculture and inspire people to do agricultural works. He influence Indian people for manual labor and said that they should arrange all the resources by them-self for living a smooth life and becoming self-dependent. He started interlacing cotton clothes through the use of Charkha in sequence to avoid the use of foreign goods and promote the use of ‘Swadeshi goods’ among Indians.  In those days of the scuffle for Indian Independence, Gandhiji suffered and was incarcerate several times with his backers, but freedom of his motherland endured his main goal. Even after getting in jail, he never used the path of ferocity. 

Mahatma Gandhi’s favor to various social issues could never be ignored. His drive against “untouchability” during his incarceration in the Yerwada Jail, where he went on swift against the age-old evil of “untouchability” in society, had greatly helped the community’s raising in the modernism. He also support the importance of education, health, cleanliness and equality in society. These classification made him a man with a great soul and justified his campaign from Gandhi to Mahatma.

He lead many freedom fight and found the ‘Quit India Movement’. The Quit India Movement was a great achievement. His death was the greatest tempest to the forces of peace and democracy. His death left a great emptiness in the life of the nation. Mahatma Gandhi was the man who incredibly contributed to the independence of India from British rule. He spent his entire life servicing his country and its people. He was a man of values, ethics, and discipline who motivates and uplift young people worldwide even today. 

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Gandhi ji was also well known for his firm discipline. He always confessed the importance of self-discipline in life. He considered that it helps in achieving bigger goals, which he also apply in the way he encouraged his beliefs of ‘Ahimsa’. As he be seen through his own life,  hard discipline can help in convention any goal in life, as long as we attempt to stick to it and devote ourselves to it. These status made him a great leader who is worship and respected even now, decagon after his passing. And his renown and respect for his beliefs still inspire not only in India but across the world as well.   


Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most important and influential people in the world. His thoughts, values and beliefs were for a better India and eventually for the world. Gandhi is deeply admired for his self-sacrificial love for humanity and his devotion to truth. He was also a prolific writer who left a lasting impact on India and the world.

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