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Essay on Independence Day

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Independent India is one of the greatest democracy created in the world. Independence Day is the day when the country celebrates its very existence. For the day, we observe a lot of cultural and religious events. This essay on Independence Day has been written for people who want to know about the cultural significance of Independence Day on Independence Day India.

Essay on Independence Day

Essay on Independence Day

One of the most historic day in Indian history is 15th August. It’s the day on which the Indian main-land got Independence after a long wrestle. India only has 3 national festivals that are admired by the whole country as one. One being the Independence Day (15th August) and the other 2 being Republic day(26th January) and Gandhi Jayanti(2nd October). After Independence, India became the largest representative govt. in the world. We brawl very hard to get our Independence from the Britishers. In this essay on Independence Day, we are going to talk about the history and importance of Independence Day.

History of our Independence Day– For almost 2 centuries the Britishers ruled over us. And the citizen of the country hurt a lot due to these tyrant. British administrator treat us like bondsman until we manage to fight back against them.

We scuffle for our Independence but work active and selflessly under the guidance of our leaders Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh and Chandra Shekar Azad. Some of these commander choose the path of brutality while some choose non-violence. But the eventual aim of these was to drive out the Britishers from the country. And on 15th August 1947, the long-awaited come true.

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We celebrate Independence Day to relive the short time and to enjoy the soul of freedom and Independence we celebrate Independence Day. Another reason is to remember the risk taken by them plus they have sacrifice their lives in the fight to make our country independent.

Aside from that, the celebration awaken up the patriot inside us. Along with that, the teenage generation is acquainted with the fight of the people who lived at that time. We feel pleased to be part of the largest democratic nation in the world, where the strength is in the hands of the common man.

On this day lanes of every city are adorn with national flag. Throughout the celebration at Red Fort, New Delhi many assignment including March past are done by the Indian Army and traditional events by the school students are carry out. After the National Flag Hosting and National Anthem recital, the prime minister gives his yearly speech. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had announced the freedom of India by look-through out his speech on “trust with destiny”. He said that after long years of bondage it is the time to take a mortgage and let our country succeed. India is where huge number of individuals live together whether they have a place with different traditions, societies, religions and commend this special event with great joy.

Our Independence Day prompt us of our glorious past, our achievements and the sacrifices of the countless martyr’s to the cause of freedom. It motivates us to stand united and work together forgetting the differences of creed, cast, language, color and so on.

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On the day of Independence Day, we celebrate our freedom and the freedom of our country. It is a day of patriotism, goodwill and the tales of the nation. It is a day of harmony between the people and their leaders. The day is a celebration of the hard work and determination of our countrymen. People from all walks of life come out to celebrate. It is a day to reflect upon the country’s past and present. It is also a day to look ahead.

Our article on Independence Day india is an in depth talk that discusses the history and logistics of India’s independence in 1947. It also talks about the ills of British colonialism, and the events that led to India’s independence. At the end of the article, there are a few sections of our opinions on how India should celebrate Independence Day with a few ideas of good things to do. If you would like more information or would like to share any thoughts, please visit our website at

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