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Animals Class 10 Question Answer: NCERT Solutions

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In this blog post Edukar is going to provide you the Animals class 10 Question Answer. There are solved NCERT Solutions of the poem ‘Animals’ and some additional important question with their answers that are very important for you to understand the poem. A brief summar of the poem is also mentioned down below.

Animals Class 10 Question Answer

Brief Summary of ‘Animals’ Class 10

The poet tells that man lacks many qualities that animals have. The poet says that he feels more comfortable with animals than human beings because they are selfish. According to him, animals are calm and contented. They cannot complain about their conditions like human beings. They do not have any sense of possessions. They do not bow to one another. They all are equally satisfied. On the other hand, human beings suffer from the mania of possessing money. Humans are never contened.

In order to conclude, we can say that poet has a deep desire to turn into an animal, to learn from them as they are more true and satisfied than humans.

Animals Class 10 Question Answer: NCERT Solutions

Q1: Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line, “I think I could turn and live with animals…” What is the oet turning from?

Ans: The poet is turning away from living in the wolrd of human beings. He finds animals more placid and self contained and therefore, he wants to live with them.

Q2: Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t?

Ans: The three things that humans do and animals don’t are:

  1. Humans complain and cry about the miseries and sorrows they face.
  2. Humans lie awake in the night thinking about their wrong doings.
  3. Humans also keep telling others about their religiousness and duties towards God.

Q3: Do humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago? Discuss it.

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Ans: Yes, Humans kneel to other humans who lived thousands of years ago. They could be some ancestors, saints or the preachers whom they follow religiously. They worship them and follow their preaching.

Q4: What are the ‘tokens’ that the poet says he may have dropped long ago, and which the animals have kept for him? Discuss this in class.

Ans: The word token according to the poet is the good qualities in human beings. The poet feels that nowadays good qualities do not exist in human beings. They have lost them for the sake of worldly things which they want to acheive at any cost.

Animals Class 10- Extra Very short Questions Answers:

Q1: What does the poet wish to live with?

Ans: The poet wishes to turn from human beings and live with animals.

Q2: How do the animals appear to the poet?

Ans: The animals appear calm, peaceful and self-confident to the poet.

Q3: What is the attitude of the animals towards their condition?

Ans: The animals do not sweat and complain about their condition.

Q4: What is the attitude of the animals toward their sins?

Ans: The animals do not weep for their sins.

Q5: What do the men make the poet sick for?

Ans: The men make the poet sick by discussing their duty to God.

Q6: What mania do human beings suffer from?

Ans: Human beings suffer from the mania of possessing things.

Q7: What is the attitude of human about those who lived thousands of years ago?

Ans: They kneel to the images of those who lived thousands of years ago.

Q8: What ‘tokens of myself’ does the poet refer to?

Ans: These ‘tokens of myself’ arc the love and affection of the animals for the poet.

Q9: Why does Whitman wish to live with the animals?

Ans: Whitman wishes to live with the animals because he finds them very peaceful confident.

Q10: What shows that the poet loves animals?

Ans: The poet stands and looks at the animals long and long.

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Animals Class 10- Short Questions Answers:

Q1: Why does the poet show a preference for living with the animals?

Ans: The poet says that it is better to live with animals as they show tokens of goodness. They are peaceful, self-contained and happy. Animals show innate goodness which is lacked in human beings. Animals do not grumble about their lives, cry over their sins.

Q2: What is the relevnce of ‘tokens’ in the poem ‘Animals’? Who brings them to the poet?

Ans: Animals show tokens of goodness. They are self-contained, peaceful, thankful and happy creatures. Animals are not unhappy and indeed, bring out tokens of man’s good nature lost long ago. Animals do not grumble about their lives.

Q3: Write the central idea of the poem ‘Animals’.

Ans: The central idea of the poem is the difference between human beings and animals. While they both were initially similar in their innate goodness, the man had lost it over the years, while animals remain the same. They show these tokens of goodness- peaceful, self-contained and happy, and compel the poet to contemplate on man’s lost goodness.

Q4: How are animals better than humans, according to poet?

Ans: According to poet, the animals are more humane than humans. They have no such bad qualities as humans have. In their world, all are happy and equal. They show their relations to the poet and he accepts them.

Q5: Why does the poet want to live with animals?

Ans: The poet thinks that animals are very peaceful. They do not complain about their condition. They don’t weep for their sins. That is why; he wants to live with the animals.

Q6: What is the difference between animals and humans regard their attitude to their condition, sins and God?

Ans: Humans cry about their condition. They lie awake at night in the dark and weep for their sins. They make the poet sick by discussing their duty about God. But animals do not do any of these things. That is why poet likes them.

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Q7: How are animals different from humans about owning or kneeling to one another?

Ans: Human beings are mad about possessing things. But animals do not care for possession. It is madness only for humans. They do not kneel to others as humans do. For them all are equal.

Q8: Why does the poet want to take a turn?

Ans: The poet is fed up living in the world of humans. They are always confused. They are arrogant. They don’t have a clear conscience and weep over their sins throughout the night. On the other hand, animals are contented, calm and possess all the ‘tokens’ of virtue that humans have given up. So, he wants to exchange places and live with animals.

Q9: Why is the poet so much impressed with animals?

Ans: Animals possess all the noble virtues that are necessary for an ideal living. They are contented and never complain about their fate. They are independent and don’t show unnecessary respect for their ancestors or to their fellow beings. They are not selfish and don’t suffer from the mania of possessing and owning things. So, he is highly impressed with animals.

Q10: Why do humans keep awake in the dark and weep for their sins while animals never do such things?

Ans: Animals have a clear conscience. They are not confused or muddle-headed. Humans are ambitious, greedy and suffer from the mania of possessing and owning things. Their sins and misdeeds don’t allow them to enjoy a sound sleep at night. They weep over their sins.

Q11: Why do animals don’t kneel down to their fellow beings or ancestors? How do humans react to them?

Ans: Animals don’t show unnecessary respect to their fellow beings and to their ancestors. They don’t indulge in such unnecessary civilities and formalities. On the other hand, humans express their respect not only to their ancestors buit also to their fellow beings. They have a tendency to indulge in unnecessary civilities and decencies.

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