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A Letter To God Summary (CBSE Class 10) By G.L. Fuentes

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A Letter To God Summary CBSE Class 10
NameA Letter to God
BoardCBSE Board
AuthorG.L. Fuentes


The letter is written to God by Lencho, the farmer who serves as the story’s central character. He asks for assistance from the Almighty in the letter after learning that a catastrophic hail storm has completely devastated his crop harvest. Even though his wants are partially, if not entirely, granted, he ultimately shows no gratitude.

English Summary – “A Letter to God”

G.L. Fuentes writes about the everlasting faith of a peasant farmer called Lencho in God in his brief story A Letter to God. Considering his lack of resources, Lencho was a dedicated farmer. He wished for a good harvest. He was shocked when a hailstorm surprisingly arrived, completely destroying all of his crops. The destruction stunned and grieved the poor farmer. He did, however, have a deep belief in God. He was an intelligent man who could read and write. He was a straightforward man, and he knew that God would undoubtedly aid him. As a result, he decided to communicate his financial concerns with God in a letter. He prayed to God in the letter for 100 pesos so he could resow his fields and feed his family instead of letting them go hungry. Soon after, he visited the post office to write a letter. After stamping the letter, he deposited it in the mailbox.

The postman pulled the letter from the letterbox, read it, and then started laughing out loud.He hurried over to the mailman right away and showed him the odd letter. When the mailman realised that the letter was written to God, he laughed aloud as he read it. He was similarly astounded by the farmer’s faith in God, which was visible in the letter. He praised the impoverished farmer’s unwavering faith in God and made the decision to support him. In order to keep Lencho’s faith in God unshaken, he soon urged the postal workers to donate some money to charity and also gave a portion of his income. Although the amount raised fell short of Lencho’s prayer to God, it was still a small bit. All of the money was then placed in an envelope with the address of the struggling farmer by the postmaster.

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Lencho visited the post office the next Sunday to see whether there was any mail for him. The mailman handed him the mail lovingly. When the letter and money were discovered inside the envelope, Lencho was not at all shocked. He boldly opened the envelope to count the money, but when he discovered that there were only 70 pesos inside, he lost his cool. He was convinced that God was unable to have made such a huge mistake. He immediately walked to the window to get some paper and ink, wrote a second letter to God, and deposited it in the mailbox.

The postmaster opened and began reading Lencho’s letter right away after he had left the location. Lencho complained to God in it as he had asked for one hundred pesos originally but was disappointed to only receive seventy pesos. He also berated the postal workers, believing that they must have taken the final thirty pesos from his envelope. He pleaded with God to send him the remaining funds since he needed them immediately. Lencho, on the other hand, believed that the postal workers were “a bunch of thieves” who might have stolen the remaining cash from the envelope, so he pleaded with God not to transfer the funds through the mail.

About The Author

G.L. Fuentes is the writer of the short fiction “A Letter to God.” He was among the best writers of his day.

Conclusion – “A letter to God”

We discovered that faith has the ability to grant our requests and meet our wants. But one must acknowledge that humanity still wins.

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